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Boosting awareness of our Multi-Disciplinary team (in multiple languages)

Delivery Plan for Recovering Access to Primary Care: boosting awareness of the multi-disciplinary team

As part of NHS England’s communications campaign to raise awareness of the multi-disciplinary team working in primary care, a new animated film has been developed to explain the additional roles for multicultural audiences. The animation has been translated into multiple languages (Hindi, Panjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Polish, Romanian and Somali) to reach those who have low proficiency English and/or literacy levels and uses simple, straightforward language to ensure understanding amongst our patients groups. 

·        English: https://youtu.be/CT0aB-EORMU

·        Hindi: https://youtu.be/WWZs6S3itbc

·        Gujarati: https://youtu.be/Cg9aW2kBQag

·        Bengali: https://youtu.be/OFTzFS2BY7w

·        Punjabi: https://youtu.be/rOjn6f05kj0

·        Polish: https://youtu.be/pbClDSEQ2gc

·        Romanian: https://youtu.be/nzlomWN4X5o

·        Somali: https://youtu.be/zts6GcyeQ_A

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